2025免费加速器- quickq下载
2025免费加速器- quickq下载
EasyPreOrders by
2025免费加速器- quickq下载
SET UP PreOrders feature for:
- Digital menus
- Packages
- Upsells
- Dietary notes
OFFER add-on services as:
- Takeaway
- Delivery
- Seating planner
- Ticketed events
- Bespoke branding
IMPLEMENT Digital Payments:
- PCI & SCA Compliant
- CCG & Deposits
- Full payments
- Tax support
- Auto receipts
INCREASE Customer Knowledge with:
- Diner CRM
- Internal feedback
- Instant reporting
- Head office data aggregation
- Enquiry management
2025免费加速器- quickq下载
Want to make more money?
Collect more diner data?
Arrange for one of our team to get in touch to discuss how EasyPreOrders can benefit your business.